Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sessions recorded for the Legacy of the Civil Rights Era

Due to some technical difficulties, the recording of our 1st session held on Thursday, April 24 did not work properly. Don't worry- we've resolved our problems!

But, we had promised to record each session and the first one provided the foundation for all of the others that will follow. As a result, we decided to go back a re-record the sessions. Darrell Montgomery provides the welcome statements, Bob Griss had the job of laying the groundwork for the civil rights and health care sessions and introducing the first speaker, and David Barton Smith gives an excellent overview of the history of civil rights and health care. Our last speaker, Vernallia Randall, will incorporate her remarks into the next session in which she is a lead speaker.

Darrel Montgomery's Welcome remarks

Bob Griss's Introduction to to the topic and the speaker

Dr. David Barton Smith: The Legacy of the Civil Rights Era

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