Tuesday, July 1, 2008

PowerPoints and Presentations from June 26

The recording of the third webinar has been posted already; here are the PowerPoints from the speakers.

John Steen, the moderator for the session didn't have a PowerPoint but he has given us a written copy of what he said. This is wonderful reading; take a look at it regardless of whether you've listened to the webinar or not!
John Steen: Civil Rights, HSAs, CON, and Public Health

Bob Griss: Using Civil Rights as a Countervailing Influence on Market-Driven Health Care

Brian Smedley: Universal and Equal: Ensuring Equity in State Health Care Reform

If you would like to listen to the earlier webinars, go to the blog archives and click on April for the 1st webinar (Legacy of the Civil Rights Era) and May for the 2nd webinar (Current Assessment of Civil Rights in Health Care).